The Closet Ratchet

Sign the Petition




People all around the world are calling for an immediate end to white supremacy and the trickle-down effect it has had on our societies. Thinking about what I could do to further impact my community, I thought, “Let’s get the Confederate Memorial Carving removed from Stone Mountain! It’s racist AF an eye sore for the great state of Georgia!” So, here we are. 

The Confederate Memorial Carving, depicts three Confederate figures of the Civil War: President Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson. Considering the  progress that Georgia—and the South in general—has made since any of these men were alive should reflect our state monuments. 

This carving needs to be removed, so sign the petition and share to all of your friends and family! We can do this!

Click here to sign up and share!